This is one of the hotels on the river that flows into to Lake Louise, this is also in the little bitty town of Lake Louise Michael and Randy's RV was parked next to Cindy and Linda'sThe other RV's were in a row, after we did some creative shuffling
This is Michael and Randy's dog, who was a blind dog in training but he decided he liked Randy and Michael, he also has his own travel log on the net, will have to get his link and post it.
Donald is full timing now, he was a vet tech, he is full timing with Paul, who is taking a break from working also. He made these yummy cookies for us last night
These are the only coin operated washers and dryers in the town of Lake Louise, the laundrymat went bankrupt, the belt kept coming off the dryer and the repairman kept coming in to fix it, it took me 6 hours to do 4 loads of laundry.Ken, who is raising goats in Auburn, Larry who is a professional photographer, and Paul who is a semi retired librarianDon't call him Yoda, Larry says, makes him mad, but I can't for the life of me think of his name, except for Yoda
Willie wants to know who's Safarigirl. We've enjoyed the pics so far, looks like you are having a wonderful time.
Looks like you are having the best time!! Can't wait to read the dog's travel log. We need to plan a trip up that way, it is just too pretty to not see in person!! Keep on having fun, am enjoying your blog so much.
Hi All,
How do you leave such beautiful places?!! I know there are more beauty up ahead of you but it must be difficult to leave the lake behind you. Glad you got your eyes worked on -- so you can enjoy the scenery as much as we are - thanks to YOU for posting the pictures and the comments and for Cindy for doing all of the driving. Continue to be safe and keep those pictures coming. I am still having problems signing in to post my comments. :o( So if you don't hear from me -- it's not because I am not checking your blog every day.
I can't wait to see what you saw today!!! Where are those pictures?!!! I am so excited about this trip. I know it is a lot of work for you. Just know that I and others appreciate it very much. This is probably the only time I will get to go to Alaska and definitely the only time I will get to "drive" there in such a nice RV. How's the temperature outside? Warm, Cool, or Cold? Have fun. I hope I can log in to post this comment.
Hi Linda and Cindy,
Where are you? Something must be wrong or either my computer is not working correctly. I didn't get any pictures yesterday or today. Did the 07-07-07 (date) make you take the day off? Anyway, I missed the pictures. I hope everything is OK.
I am wondering if I am the only one who isn't getting any more updates since July 5th from the Alaskan Bound Group? I am thinking that perhaps:
A. They can't find Internet service - where they are now.
B. The bears ate their laptop.
C. Cindy made a wrong turn
D. They are having so much fun - they don't have time to think about the rest of us who are "on" this trip with them - via this blog and the pictures and word pictures that Linda has been sending us. I sure do miss them. Hope to hear something soon from them.
We have been in Jasper and there is not only no internet but no electricity, water or sewer, we have been dry camping for two days, and it is hot hot hot, we fudged a little bit and ran our generator to run the air conditioning, we were uncomfortable! No bears have attacked us, only mosquitoes, can't see them but they leave welts like they are taking gigantic bites, on my neck too, don't think they are vampires...hmmmm
Safari girl is ME, we are in a Safari motorhome
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