Sunday, July 1, 2007

The Group Picture

Some are caravaning on to Lake Louise and Banff, some are going sapphire hunting, and some are going home, but I think it's safe to say, we all had a great time, where ever we are off to.


badavenport said...

We had the best time meeting all of you!! I can't wait to see everyone again. Your pictures are outstanding, I enjoyed them very much. I will be checking your blog regularly to see how your trip to Alaska is going. Have a safe and fun time. Barbara

Safarigrl said...

Thanks Barbara, I really enjoy your comments, I did them in reverse and just figured out who you were, keep commentiing then I'll know at least someone is looking, thanks.

D.Ann&Sharon said...

The pictures were great of Canada. wish we were there but glad to be home. We meandered home along the scenic byways of Idaho to Hell's Canyon. Glad you didn't have to give up your dogfood or steaks. Keep blogging along.

Safarigrl said...

Glad to hear you got home safely, Dann and Sharon, your would have enjoyed this, how is your knee D Ann?