Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Lake Louise is in the Banff Park, but Banff is a separate town

Lake Louise has a very small shopping area, everything is minature and on one corner lot, bananas were $2 a pound, so we were looking forward to going to a bigger town and shopping.

We got there and the cars were lined up back to the main road, Banff is about an hour away from Lake Louise. All of the streets in downtown Banff were gutted and they were installing new water pipes down the middle of all the streets.

I'm sure it's a cute little town, but we couldn't see much of it, we spent most of the time looking for somewhere to pick up something to eat for lunch where we wouldn't have to leave the dogs in the car.

Finally found the Safeway that was advertised on the back of a bus, it was a minature Safeway, but had everything we wanted, and bananas were 56 cents a pound

We could have taken more pictures of it, I realize now that we didn't, we were hot and frustrated. We did take pictures of the Banff Fairmont Hotel, there is no Banff Lake however

But there is a gondola that goes up a mountain

Sulfer Mountain

The Castle Mountains

Wildflowers were everywhere

This is one of my favorite pictures

The Canadians built internment camps here for the Ukraniams in World War 1, this is a statue honoring them, people have left all kinds of coins, in his hand, around his feet, even in his coveralls.

We've been gone all day and we are finally home, the guys are all getting together for a potluck at 7 so we have to hurry and make something


badavenport said...

Castle Mountain is the place to be!! Beautiful pictures, how was the potluck, yummy stuff?? Barbara

Safarigrl said...

Potluck was very good, I don't generally like pot luck but this one was very very good.

Jody said...

Scenery is GORGEOUS! Looks like you and Cindy have met the COOLEST people/pooches! Course the moose and molting goat pictures were in the top favorites! Do you here the bears and other critters "chatter, roar, yell, talk" at night time? Also, what did you guys end up bringing to the potluck! From the earlier pics, group feeds sure look yummy!

Safarigrl said...

Haven't heard any critters roar, chatter or whatever yet, we aren't in Alaska yet, maybe there.