Sunday, July 15, 2007

Graveyards of Dawson City

Cindy and I drove up on the hill that overlooked Dawson City to take a look at their cemetery, the sign said local traffic only, and also bear has been seen in this area recently, but we went anyway, old, old gravesites alongside the labeled cemeteries, they were everywhere, washed out wooden crosses, with no name, you wonderwhy they haven't rotted to the ground, most interesting cemeteries.......take a look

It was the custom in those days if a child died to put their bed frame over the gravesite, like they were only sleeping

The YOOP Yukon Order of Pioneers Cemetery

The Royal Mounted Police Cemetery

The Masonic Cemetery

The Fraternal Order of Eagles Cemetery

I'll leave this to your own imagination

The Jewish Cemetery

The Jewish community from around the Yukon in 1996 built the fence around the cemetery the metal archway and cleaned it up

The Catholic Cemetary

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