Sunday, July 15, 2007

Dawson City it's real not a made up town, cool

This isn't a town of fake facade's it all happened here and it's all still here, dirt roads, wooden plank sidewalks, you can almost hear the prospectors and smell the gold.....we've only been here a few hours but these are a few pictures of the town, we'll be here at least 3 more days and fill you in more

This is the little cabin that Jack London lived in when he wrote all those books

It's 11PM at night

Sell all those funeral homes in Oregon, Randy and Michael and come up here

The land of the midnight sun, it is close to midnight here and Cindy needs her sunglasses

We had to eat out, because we had no propane, there are no fast food restaurants at all here, but the food was great at Klondike Kates, BBQ with Mexican vanilla, and Bourbon in it

Across the street from the town is the Yukon River, they built up the banks because Cindy said when she was here in 78' that the river overflowed and that all the buildings had to be moved back after they had floated around


badavenport said...

You know it occurs to me that you may not know who the heck I am, thinking perhaps I am a blogger stalker!! Rest easy, I am Barbara Davenport one half of the couple that "just happened" to pull into Mt Meadows CG in Hungry Horse when the RRV group was there, me and my love Karen joined in the festivities and met you there. Ok, with that out of the way, I am loving the trip, you do such a great narrative job, and great photos. My son lives in Fairbanks so Karen and I have been to Alaksa 7-8 times at different times of the year, we love it there. We have never driven but from what you are showing and telling I WANT TO!! And who knew that training and certification in Propane Sniffing would come in so handy!!!

Safarigrl said...

No, I know who you are and that's fine if you are a blogger stalker, at least I know you are there, thanks for commenting, helps to keep in mind I am not just talking to myself.I answered you before but I just noticed that it went to outerspace and didn't get posted here, sorry, technical difficulty, I answer all the posts but I have just noticed that they didn't get posted.