Friday, July 13, 2007

Forgot to tell you

I am putting this picture of this totem pole in because Cindy said there are no totem poles, she wants totem poles, so see, if you post a note I might put in what you want, and then I'll at least know someone is looking at this other than Cindy I think a picture of Sushi in the Yukon is more interesting, but then that's me

Cindy and I saw a wolf walking briskly down the side of the road in Whitehorse, don't know if that is a common occurance or not, but he looked a little nervous but never veered from the side of the road. Sorry I didn't get the camera turned on quick enough

Also this lightness is hard to take, wonder what it was like on June 21 when it is light for 24 hours? After June 21 you start gaining darkness back until on December 21 when it is 24 hours of darkness, today, it said in the paper, that we gained 3 minutes and 30 seconds of darkness back.

This picture was taken at 10PM


badavenport said...

Oh rest assured I am keeping up with your travels, I read every single word and am enjoying it very much!! Karen does very little computer stuff so I read it out loud to her!! Like I said before I feel like I am on the trip too, keep on doin what your doin! Be safe and I will be checking back in tomorrow!!

badavenport said...

Don't you love the Milepost, I wish every state had one!!! Especially Montana.