Friday, July 13, 2007

Day 2 in Whitehorse

Whitehorse is hosting the 2007 Canadian Olympics this winter and build this new sports center, they are also having the Coca Cola Golfing Tournament this weekend at the golf course, come on up!
Cindy and I followed the Yukon Quest route (in the summer) the last time we were in Alaska, so it was fun to see where it starts and ends

In 1898, if you were seeking your fortune in gold, you got on a boat in Seattle, took it to Skagway, fought your way across a trecherous pass, walked 95 miles to get on the Yukon River, rode the rapids at Whitehorse and if you made it that far, you still had to get to Dawson City, which is where we are going tomorrow

The name Whitehorse comes from the white capped rapids that used to exist before the dam was put in, they were said to look like White horse's manes

The worst part of the trip to Dawson City to reach gold country were these rapids, they killed many prospectors before the Royal Mounted Police banned anyone from going over them without a pilot

This dam tamed the rapids of the Yukon, made power for Whitehorse and also a reservoir for their drinking water

The Whitehorse area is also home to the largest amount of Wooly Mammoths ever found, this area was not iced over in the ice age and there was lots of grass for the Mammoth to eat it's 700 pounds a day, then the water came, the grass went away and so did the Mammoths, but.....all the digging for gold has also helped to find buried Mammoth bones

Gracie did not like the Wooly Mammoths, Rainier however just looked at them as just another fire hydrant

A line up of float planes that will take you to see glaciers, or drop you off anywhere to hunt or fish, I remember too many movies where the plane crashes and you are left to figure a way out

Part of the Tlinklet Indian's ways are to stack these stones, this was in a heavy equipment storage yard

Nice little town, about the size of Bellingham, but has a just built waterfront area along the Yukon River, lots of room to expand also

I don't know where the motorhomes are suppose to park, but they cater to RVer's here, to the point of some parking lots are only for RV's

There is internet everywhere, people are very well connected

The suburbs in Whitehorse, seems the same everywhere, cul de sacs etc.

This is Cindy's favorite house in Whitehorse, it's a stainglass artist's house, no strict building codes here

I think this log cabin is half price, and I'm sure they'll deliver it

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