Sunday, July 8, 2007

From Jasper to Dawson Creek

We thought about going to Grand Cache and stay the night but it was only 17 miles from Jasper, seems alot furthur when you hear it in Kilometers
The roads have been snow plowed too much at Grand Prairie, pretty jarring in a motorhome

Grand Prairie was a surprise to us, it was the biggest town we have been in, it had a Wal Mart AND a Costco oooh la la

Cindy drove 300 miles, from Jasper to Dawson Creek, we were going to just go to Grand Prarie, but the allure of being in milepost 0 of the Alaska Highway was too great

More Caribou, you guys are going to think that's all we see

This is downtown Dawson Creek, a cute little town with more tire shops and window repair shops than anytown I have ever seen, when you come back from Alaska you must need new windshields and tires, also you can get headlight guards for $18.98, might look into some....

This man is pointing to Prince George, which is one of the ways to get to the Alaskan Highway

(This man is pointing to Alaska, looked like Prince George to me, until we took a tour of the town of Dawson Creek)

Dawson Creek is actually in British Columbia, we have been in Alberta, seeing Banff, Lake Louise and Jasper, now will be traveling for a little while in British Columbia, then we will be in the Yukon Territory before we get to Alaska, which is about 1,000 miles away from here.

Dawson Creek is the start of the Alaska Highway, funny isn't it, that the Alaska Highway doesn't start in Alaska.....the Alaska Highway was built during World War II because the US was afraid Japan was going to attack Alaska, so the army built it as fast as they could to supply the army in Alaska. They have now spent years straightening it and improving it, it is suppose to be all paved now......we'll see.....

Could these be vampire bites? Or just ordinary no seeums?


badavenport said...

I am loving this trip! Your narration is great, almost felt like I had a noseeum bite on my neck too!!

Safarigrl said...

It might be a vampire bite, I got the netting but I'm going to sleep with a cross in my hands too!!!