Sunday, July 22, 2007

Finishing the Dempster Highway from Eagle Plains to Dawson City

They may have built this road for oil exploration, and it may service the Inuvik people but as a tourist if you don't come and see this you are missing out on one of the most visual scenic highways you will ever see, the road was actually very good without the rain

Looked like someone was building an asphalt road on the creek

For those of you who want to trail through the mountains on horses

Sorry about the focus of the camera but I was laughing too hard, mosquito bite corner of eye


Anonymous said...

Hi Wilderness Girls,
So this is what the top of the world looks like -- very pretty even when looking through all the mud. You are doing a fantastic job with the camera and Cindy must be doing a great job of keeping the car on whatever it is that you are driving on. Looks like a very primative road. I am praying that your vehicle doesn't get stuck - or you all may be eaten alive by the mosquitoes. I can see Rainer and Grace attached to a rope in front of your Cruiser - pulling you down the road. I guess they have plenty of gas stations along the way - I hope.
If you get a chance and it's not too muddy - would you pick me up a small pebble or rock from the top of the world?
It doesn't look like too much traffic - where you are. I liked the picture with the moon and the sun shining at the same time. That was very unique.
I guess there's not much else for the mosquitoes to eat on -- except for the visitors who come along. It sounds like some are having a great picnic with you and Cindy. I heard that dryer sheets - Bounce will keep them away from you. You may try that theory out - if you have some dryer sheets - to see if it works. Let me know.
Thanks again for taking us along with you on this adventure. It is probably the only way I will ever see this beautiful scenery.
You could probably sell some of these great pictures to National Geographic. They are really good.
Take care and keep your eyes and camera ready to see those bears. I know they are out there somewhere. Just don't make them mad. :o) Thanks again for taking the time to share this adventure with us. I am really enjoying it.
Your friend,

Safarigrl said...

Yeah Linda I've got some rocks for you, picked a couple bags full at the Discovery mine where all the Gold Rush started from, and I can see flakes of gold all over the rocks, so you might be rich too! Thanks for the comments, really nice to get some feedback, I know at least my Dad is seeing the blog, but any comment from him??? Nooooo not yet, unless I embarassed him enough now.