Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The first 300 miles of the Alaska Highway

In 1941 Japan attacked Pearl Harbor the US thought the next logical attack would be Alaska, so they built this road to supply their army in Alaska, and they built a very windy road on purpose figuring that if Japan bombed the road they wouldn't be able to destroy the whole road. It has taken 50 years to take those 90 degree corners and 25% grades out of the road, and in the process the Alaska Highway has gotten a bad reputation of being a horrible road to travel on. This is the road todayAnd this is in British Columbia which has been the worse section of the Highway for years

Some of the bridges have rough surfaces, remember the road is open all year around and they use salt on the road, especially on the bridges

This is a section of the old road, you can't get to it, but it is still there

Lots of turn outs but no restrooms, lots of new vehicles are going on the road

The doggies go out, do their business and run around then want right back in, where they lounge on each of their sofas , Gracie had been too good so when she got to the Fort Nelson RV place she promptly rolled in spilled sewage, and ran around like a deliquent teenager, she had her first cold shower by the side of the rv and was properly chagrined the rest of the evening

If you look closely you can see the canola fields, they are everywhere

This is a 10% grade which is Cindy's limit, I don't know what we will do if it goes to 11%

The new road is on the left and the old to the right

OH NO! It's one of my moose relatives on the side of the road!

This is a Natural Gas line that supplies British Columbia and Western Washington

This is a Natural Gas Scrubber (?) they have found lots of natural gas around here

This is our first crack on our windshield and it didn't happen on a gravel road, it was paved, weird huh, we will have the chip repaired tomorrow so it doesn't get any bigger , we are in Fort Nelson tonight, and will head for Watson Lake tomorrow which is in the Yukon

All of the Alcan is paved, but when they are doing repavement they spread gravel out, it's pea gravel, but as you can see very dusty

They chipseal the road to pave it, put gravel down, pack it down and then pour a sealant down over it

If you look really closely you can see a black bear cub off to the right, it was sitting on the grass like Winnie the Poo, on it's rear and when we came along it got scared and ran off into the woods
(Cindy says that's a black bug on the windshield, maybe so, but we did see a black bear, she saw it too)

1 comment:

D.Ann&Sharon said...

/Looks a little different than 1979,eh???? Looked like a bear cub to us, too. By the way, the netting was stunning...do you have mosquitos in the RV.