Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Dempster Highway to Eagle Plains

The day is kind of drizzly and a little foggy, thinking maybe it will clear up, could be a very slippery drive if it doesn't, it will take up two days to get to Inuvik, and we will stay the first day in Eagle Plains
The Dempster Highway was built because they were interested in the area for oil and gas exploration, they started building it in the 1950's and it was finished being built in 1978, it goes from just outside of Dawson City to Inuvik, in the Northwest Territory

There are no services between when we start and when we get to Eagle Plains, hope nothing goes wrong

We stopped at this campground to use the facilities, there were more mosquitoes than Cindy and I have ever seen in our lives, after this we had a plan of attack whenever we went out of the car, but we still killed so many mosquitoes inside the car you could see their little dead carcasses everywhereSomeone came in while I was there and reported a grizzly bear at the creek next to us, we left soon

There is still some snow left and it's 63 degrees out, the Dempster is open all year long and they say that when the snow comes it's a pretty smooth road
The Yukon Road Crew is constantly working on the Dempster Highway, so much of it is on permafrost and has to be on it's own bed that they are working on it all the time

They pump their water out of the creek to work on the road

We pass by many lakes, creeks, and rivers, but tomorrow we actually have to be ferried across two rivers

Even the road turns black with the shale from the near hillside

Lot's of different minerals to be seen, this is the red oxide in the stones by the creek

OH NO......It's the Titanic
We can't see all of the three mountain ranges that we are passing by, because of the fog, but one of them, The Richardson, we have seen in Alaska when we went up to the Artic Circle

We can't see some of the cliffs because the fog is too thick but then it clears for a little while and we take a peek at these rock formations and hoo doos

It starts to rain. not mist, and the road turns into chocolate pudding, they put a chemical on the road to hold down the dust, but when it gets wet it gets slippery

After driving 227 miles in mud, 8 hours later, we see civilization, an oasis, maybe?
There is a 3 inch layer of mud on the back of our car, had to scrape it off
Everyone looked like they had just come back from a mud wrestling contest

This is the Eagle Plains Motel, "oasis in the wilderness"
I couldn't get my shoes off, they were stuck on my feet with all the muck

Looking through our back window of our room
This is where the seasonal workers who work in the motel live, students from all around Canada, work 6 days, off one, kind of limited to where they can go though
These are pictures of our room, simple but clean, it was very hot, no air conditioning either


Anonymous said...

Can't get this comment page to work. It won't let me sign in therefore I can't post anything. We haven't forgotten you - just can't get it to work!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Wilderness Girls,
I guess you can say - you two are on top of the world or at least on top of Alaska. It looks kind of lonely there. I looked and looked very carefully at each one of the pictures of the creek and I never did see the Grizzly Bear. But I did see two of them at the San Francisco Zoo last week. Do you want me to tell you what they look like? Big - especially when they stand up on two feet. I hope that little white room you are staying in -- is bear-proof. If you think about it -- bring me back a small rock or pebble from Alaska. Nothing very large -- about the size of a button or a quarter.
Yes, the game of San Francisco helped a lot. I understood it much better after we got there and started looking at things that the game showed. Thanks a bunch for sharing it with me.
Let me go see if this will go through. I have been having trouble getting things to send your way.
Your friend,

Can't get this comment page to work. It won't let me sign in therefore I can't post anything. We haven't forgotten you - just can't get it to work!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I was about to turn this off and poof -- there was my messages to you posted where I have been working for over an hour to get them there. The problem is -- I don't know what I did to get them to "post". So I am trying again - to send something else (this) to see if I can do it again.
I hope you are going to get a picture of a grizzly. I guess asking for cub pictures would be too dangerous -- since the mama grizzly would be close by and wouldn't appreciate you getting close to her cubs - right?
I continue to be amazed at the pictures (scenery) you are sending us. They are beautiful - even the cemetery pictures. Very interesting but I guess people in Alaska pass on to that big place up in the sky also. (Don't you and Cindy get any strange ideas of following them. We need for you to finish taking all of these wonderful "talking" pictures. You are doing a wonderful job at keeping us "in the car / RV with you". Thank you.

badavenport said...

I am having a ball on this trip!! The mud is a little scary though, looks like it be quick sand in disguise!! I love the odd quirky rock formations. You are a wonder with the camera. BE SAFE!!