Sunday, July 1, 2007

Glacier Park on the Road to Sun

The road to sun was suppose to open today, but when we got to the entrance they said, no, it wasn't opening until this afternoon.
They were not done clearing the snow, and fixing the road, it usually opens in late June.
We choose to go as far as we could on the road and as we did, we met up with Rainbow RV'ers up and down the road.

There really are glaciers in Glacier Park, but they are slowly melting away.

Here is the remains of a glacier besides the road

We saw a moose, no bears, but we looked for them.
There were more people taking this guys picture than you can imagine, he stayed in the same place, munching away for hours and hours.

Goats, baby goats, teenage goats, their fur hanging off them like they had half unzipped their coats and were getting ready for the summer. Gracie had a low growl for them from the safety of our car.

The water was the blue green of glacier water, in all the streams and Lake McDonald

This is the lodge at Logan Pass, the road to it, had just opened up for the season as we drove up to it, we were lucky. Many cars were filled with cross country skiers, who jumped into their gear and looked like it was Christmas for them as they went to the glaciers to ski.

We met up with Scott and Ken in the parking lot of Logan's pass.

Logan Pass is on the Continental Divide, where they say a hands width one way or another determines which way the water flows, and into which of three rivers it will travel in.

As I said the road to Sun was still closed. This road was built in the 30 's. In the fall of '06, The Pineapple Express storm washed out many roads, bridges and guard rails in Glacier Park. This storm is the same storm that, destroyed so much of Mount Rainier. Right now, they are fixing some of that damage in Glacier Park and renovating the road.

I thought this was pretty cool, I couldn't see where the water went when it hit the road though.

See his fur coming off?

Linda Cheryl, Cindy and Terri

A few of the glaciers left

Isn't he cute? He was still there when we came back, hours later.

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