Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Valdez, it's cemetery, housing, business and recreation

The 1984 the earthquake and the tidal wave killed people who were on the waterfront in Valez, but afterward they found that the town of Valdez was on unstable ground and they had to move the whole town 4 miles, 50 buildings were moved

This is where the town of Valdez was, before the 1984 earthquake

This is the RV Park we stayed in, on the other side of those fishing cabins, in the winter nothing is here, the cabins are all on steel frames, have quick disconnect hook ups, they get put away for the winter The marina was small but packed, everyone was here because the silver salmon were running

This RV park looked better in the guide book than it did in person

I always wondered where people went when they said they were going to the fish canaries in Alaska, doesn't look too exciting to me, I must be too old to appreciate it

This is the Valdez Hospital, looks kind of like a battleship, doesn't it

I think this must be the ooooh la la neighborhood

And then there was an area with duplexes and fourplexes

And some very large homes, looked like more than one family lived in them

And some single wides, I still don't know how they winterize a single wide

Don't think that there is a real strict fire code as to what color they can paint their fire hydrants

This is the only Safeway I have ever seen that didn't have it's name on it, anywhere

This guy was across the road from the fishing and he wasn't going anywhere, he had extra water and his own private dump station, he wasn't the only one who did this

Another creative Alaskan, most of the people in Valdez were Alaskan, and most were fishing, Anchorage and surrounding area have over half the people living there in Alaska, and they are only a good days drive from Valdez

Rainier takes very good care of his baby eagle, Cindy thought it was bought for her, but noooo

5 years ago Cindy and I saw this same bus in Alaska, it carries German tourist all over the United States, they ride in the front in the day and sleep in these coffin like beds in the back at night, they said it was very economical

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All the cemetery photos make me think of Roslyn and their multiple cemeteries. Glad to see Rainier...I wonder if he feels upstaged by the princess?