Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Bald Eagle Sanctuary in Valdez

I had visions of Exxon creating this enormous Sanctuary for Valdez, since it was in their neck of the woods
that the Exxon "Valdez"
spilled all that oil out on,
but this was it,
4 saw horses in front of 4 campsites,
reserving them for the Bald Eagles

Stay with me here, I went in to super zoom but there was no light at the end of the tunnel,
I shoulda read that book

She can see me,
(how do I know it's female? Us eagle photographers just know)

The camera is clicking and she can hear me, I'm a good half a block away

She decides I'm of no consequence, she's got business to do

All those pin feathers have to be just right

And don't forget the back of the neck

Still there huh, how disgusting, haven't you ever seen an eagle bath?

Guess not

Hey, I think that's a fish in your claws

A girl's gotta eat

And it's a tasty fishie too

Don't get any ideas, you ain't getting any

Still there, aren't you

Ahhh, I don't want to eat in front of you, go away


Anonymous said...

Hi Wilderness Girls and Doggies,
It looks and sounds like you are getting more and more comfortable "living" in Alaska. Don't even think about the 100 degree weather we are experiencing since Aug. 1. And don't think about staying there permanently.
I really liked the Bald Eagle pictures. It looked like "she" enjoyed having her picture taken even if it was during her bathtime -- I didn't even notice. I can't believe she sat there that long and posed for you. Now if you can just find a bear that would cooperate like that!!!
Today was payroll day and I also had to do the OSHA presentation. You know how much I look forward to this day every year --- NOT. I sure wished I was actually in the RV in Alaska. Anywhere but in front of our teachers.
I think Gracie would make an excellent "bobblehead dog". And she looked like she was in the perfect location of the RV -- on the dash. Very Cute. You are so creative and original with the pictures you are placing on this blog.
Continue to stay safe and keep your eyes open for the bears. I know they are out there. I keep looking in the background of your pictures -- to see if I can spot one up in a tree. If it's time for the salmon -- than it sounds like it's time for the bears before they hibernate. They need to put on some extra pounds for the winter.
Be good. What's the update on your leg? Is it still hurting? Still bruised? Still swollen?
Your friend,

Anonymous said...

Hi Wilderness Girls and Doggies,
It looks and sounds like you are getting more and more comfortable "living" in Alaska. Don't even think about the 100 degree weather we are experiencing since Aug. 1.
I really liked the Bald Eagle pictures. It looked like "she" enjoyed having her picture taken. I can't believe she sat there that long and posed for you. Now if you can just find a bear that would cooperate like that!!!
Today was payroll day and I also had to do the OSHA presentation. You know how much I look forward to this day every year --- NOT. I sure wished I was actually in the RV in Alaska. Anywhere but in front of our teachers.
I think Gracie would make an excellent "bobblehead dog". And she looked like she was in the perfect location of the RV -- on the dash. Very Cute. You are so creative and original with the pictures you are placing on this blog.
Continue to stay safe and keep your eyes open for the bears. I know they are out there. I keep looking in the background of your pictures -- to see if I can spot one up in a tree. If it's time for the salmon -- than it sounds like it's time for the bears before they hibernate. They need to put on some extra pounds for the winter.
Be good. What's the update on your leg? Is it still hurting? Still bruised? Still swollen?
Your friend,

Anonymous said...

Oops - I thought my comment had disappeared so I sent it again. Now I see where it is posted twice. Sorry for making you read it twice. If you know how to delete one of them, please let me know and I will get rid of one.

Anonymous said...

Hi Wilderness Girls,
It looks like I have scared everyone away - including you all. It's lonely out here - with no new pictures and no one commenting. Hopefully, you are inbetween connections and can't post any pictures.
So I am going back and re-looking at the pictures you have already sent. I don't know how many you have posted but I am seeing some -- that I really didn't see previously. It's like watching a movie of Alaska with very beautiful pictures and narration.
As always, I hope "no news" is good news and that Cindy hasn't gotten you lost in the wilderness or what would be worse - is if the bears got you. Oh NO!!! I better end before my imagination gets me in trouble. Take care wherever you are.
Your friend,

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