Friday, August 31, 2007

Hovering over a Glacier

I look like I'm at the top of Mount Everest and should be on oxygen, but actually I am just 4,000 feet up and looking down on Salmon GlacierIt's cold, but cool isn't enough to describe being on top of a glacier

We drove the 20 miles up the dirt road with the promise of a look at a glacier you'd never see from a car anywhere else

We followed Salmon Glacier up to it's very top

We left the mirror in the pictures so you could see these were all taken from the front seat of our car, and we definately have our mouths open

You can look back into the mirror at all the other smaller glaciers around Salmon Glacier

The black stripes that make it look like a Saturn ring are the debris that the glacier chews up,
anything that get's in it's path,
is pulverized

Salmon Glacier is Canada's 5th largest glacier, but it is the world's largest glacier that you can drive up to

Even Gracie is impressed with the glacier, Rainier explains it all to her

Imagine the solitude that you have sitting on this bench and seeing something that not many will ever see, it is so eerie and quiet

Two minutes and then the mosquitoes find you, off to the right is a man selling videos and books of this glacier, out of his car

Come see it before it melts

This is called the toe of the glacier, where it ends

Notice the blue color of the ice

These ponds are actually ice in the soil that melts and forms the ponds

These were not taken with a telephoto lense, we were right there, feeling like we could reach out and touch,

This glacier feeds the river that the salmon spawn in and the bears eat, the silt is so dense that the salmon push themselves to clear the section with it and end up sometimes in the clear part of the river too soon to spawn, so they slow down and the bears get them

The pictures don't do it all justice, you really have to come and see this for yourself,
you owe it to yourself

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We followed Salmon Glacier up to it's very top (its)

glacier chews up, anything that get's in it's path (that gets in its path)

we definately have our mouths open (definitely)