Saturday, August 11, 2007

Glacier's everywhere on the way to Valdez

The beginnings of a river

Everywhere you looked their were glaciers, seemed like all the mountains were sporting at least one

We have to stop so Gracie can roll in her latest perfume

And our "cows" can graze

I don't want to be around here when it starts snowing it's 33 feet
Cindy keeps saying the fireweed is losing it's flowers, it's time for the snow to fly

Glenallen gets it's power from Valdez, the power lines have to be built to withstand all the snow

We turned the corner and here was this fabulous glacier, and it just kept getting better and better

Glacier's are just snow that has compacted over the years and frozen solid, but we are talking thousands of yearsGlaciers are always moving either retreating or advancing

I could understand the retreating, it gets warmer and the edge of the glacier melts, but how does it advance
Well I was totally wrong, glaciers form tubes underneath them, scientist don't know how, but they create a thin layer of water that the glacier moves on, of course gravity helps
This is my favorite glacier, the Worthington Glacier, looks like a big star, you can drive up to it and walk on it

If you stand on top of Thompson Pass and turn around 360 degrees, this is what you will see

At the top of Thompson Pass, the poles are for snowplowers as much as for motorist in whiteout conditions, they get 33 feet of snow a season, this is the Richardson Highway and is open all year, connects Valdez with Fairbanks

As you turn the corner you see the underside of Worthington Glacier, it all looks different from wherever you are looking
The start of a lake or a river somewhere in Alaska

Bridal Veil Falls, the power of Glaciers

Do not attempt to fix your screen those are real "bugs" on the picture, adds a certain level of reality, don't you think
Just one of the many glaciers hanging around

We usually stop for lunch at some scenic site, while on the road, somewhere big enough for the dogs to run around

Horse tail falls, last stop before you get to Valdez

We stayed at the "Boardwalk RV Center" notice the boardwalks by our RV

We read that Copper Center told a bunch of would be gold miners that the fastest way to Dawson was through their town, they got there and found that the Copper River had too many rapids to go down it and had to stay in Copper Center, which was their plan to get people to populate their town, now....there is nothing there but this sign

Gracie has decided that she is a bobblehead dog and belongs on the dash, Cindy said NOT


Anonymous said...

Gracie as a I would buy one of those. The pug bobbleheads are not cute at all!!

badavenport said...

Oh hell, Gracie cracks me up....hey, I though bobbles went in the back the waterfall shots, I haven't checked in in a few days but I am caught up now, the eagle shots were fabulous but I didn't expect any less from one of the world renowed eagle photographers, I love the cemetery photos but my favorite this go round was Rainier and HIS baby eagle, I just love that!! My Goose has a baby fox, a beaver and a rabbit that she just adores and she takes good care of them as well!! I really want your blog to go national, I want everyone to enjoy it as much as I am, how does one do that, maybe send an email to the Today Show.....seriously.