Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Homer, sounds like Home to me, I like it

I will greatly miss Homer, Alaska, and the Spit, I don't want to leave, this was very different than I thought it would be, incredibly beautiful, very, very, different, we will come back, we have to, onward to Valdez tomorrowThese three volcano's are across from Homer, one being only 80 miles from Homer, they are all in the Ring of Fire and are active, one erupted last year in fact

We woke up this morning and saw steam venting out of Mount Augustine, we were excited until someone told us, that happens all the time

Remember that is 80 miles away, pretty good for an eagle photographer, don't you think?

The Spit, someone asked why do they call it the spit, maybe because it is made up of all rocks that the glacier action "spits up"

Lots of flowers around town, they have a pretty fair summer, and not too cold winter, all the water around Homer keeps it pretty even, most of the lakes don't even freeze up in the winter, so they had to build an indoor ice skating rink

The Hospital in Homer, Alaska, sits up on the hill and has a gorgeous view, lots of rooms, surprising for such a small town

I have to put a totem pole in every once in awhile because Cindy says so, we are in Alaska

Here is one of those Kodiak Bear's Cindy was warning us about, it looks like it could have been REALLY mean

An Albino Moose, or so they say, I don't think his eyes are the right color for an albino, I never did trust those taxidermist

An Irish Pub in Alaska, who'd have thought it

There are some very inventive people living around here, and living in some very inventive things

This one's for you Willie, I can remember longing to ride one of these

It's for sale, I can see Humphry Bogart and Kathryn Hepburn in it

The Old Rugged Cross Boat

It started out as a Volkswagon Bus, and then it met a Greyhound Bus, and then......

Looks like a home for wayward boats, on Mud Bay

Someone actually lives here, dish tv and everything, but no fishing from the boat

It does look like something out of Water World, the movie

A sand castle?

Whatever it is looks like someone is moving out of it

Two guys, way out in Kachmak Bay, attached to two big kites, wind surfing

It was hard to take a picture of them because they both moved so fast in the wind, I had to anticipate which direction they would be in and take the picture before they got there

I've see wind surfers on Columbia River but they had boards with sail's attached to them, these were just some kind of cable attached to big kites

Gracie and Rainier had words, we know not what, maybe Gracie told Rainier how to drive, but Rainier hasn't talked to Gracie since and Gracie is shaking in her boots, here she is sitting on top of Cindy, we had to pry her off of Cindy, seriously

Next she hid down under the dash, shaking away, we are looking for a doggie psychologist where is Lucy when you need her


badavenport said...

OH NO, poor Gracie, I hope she is in a better frame of mind now, we already know that her mouth tends to override her common sense, maybe she said something to Rainier about his Mother, forgetting it was her Mother she was talking about too......who knows!!! I love the "boat houses", especially that two story deal, it looks cool!! The camera is doing an amazing job, the "80 mile away" shot was awesome.

Safarigrl said...

We do not know what is the matter with Gracie, she was barking at another dog who had come up to the car, while we were all in the car, and Cindy zipped the back window up so that Gracie wouldn't jump out, unfortunately Gracie's head was out the window and she we heard a big yelp from her. She hasn't been the same since, today she cowered when I was outside the car cleaning the windows with Windex and a rag, she got under the dash and wouldn't come out, shaking away, she is fine when she is in the motorhome, calm as can be, we need a doggie psychiatrist

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should get your head stuck in the window, too, to show Gracie that it's not a big deal. I do hope she gets over it soon, or she won't have much fun riding with y'all when you get home.

The pictures are beautiful.

Safarigrl said...

That's a great idea Barbara, now if I can only talk Cindy into putting her head out the window! She seems to be coming out of it, I spent a long time combing her locks to get all of her knots out, maybe she was having headaches from the knots in her hair pulling on her scalp. She's fluffier and happier, who knows?

catsrule said... if you have any questions. I work with cats, not dogs, but both animals shake from a sudden shock and will take a few days,by days, I mean weeks. Somtimes the can be an out of nowhere shock that the never recover. Did she know the window was coming up? If she did, it seemed as if she couldnt get free in time. Remember, I work more with cats then dogs, but i may be able to help.