Saturday, August 11, 2007

Glenallen on the way to Valdez

We woke up late in Anchorage,
ran to Costco, which was across the street,
got more water and supplies,
and took off for Valdez,
we wanted to get to Glenallen
and spend the night
so that we could be refreshed to see the Wrangell Mountains
on the last 100 miles to Valdez,
our apologies to Ayanna,
for calling her as we were heading out of town,

we'll be backWe looked for Denali, saw it for a brief instance but not long enough to get a picture, these will have to do,
you know there are 39 mountain ranges in Alaska,
and it has 17 of the 20 highest peaks in North America
Not bad for a state twice as big as

The Glen Highway follows the Matanuska River pretty much all the way, soon you will see the Matanuska Glacier that feeds this river There are over 3,000 rivers in Alaska

They are widening and putting in a new bridge, they don't have to look far for their gravel

I believe this is Sheep Mountain, however it doesn't look much like a sheep to me

It does feel like fall is coming soon here

All this beauty brings out the artist in everyone

Our first glimspe of the Matanuska Glacier, they've also named one of their ferry boats after the glacierBilled as the largest glacier in Alaska you can drive up to, we didn't, we are 20 or 30 miles away from it

Matanuska Glacier is 27 miles long and 4 miles wide

Nanuska is a valley glacier

This is the same glacier as above,
Neither Cindy or I could see this with our eyes
the camera is that good

You start thinking that the glacier isn't all that big, until you see it in perspective,
Matanuska is an advancing glacier, it moves a foot a day

I think I saw it move!

This mountain looks like it is talking to you, maybe so.....

We had a little problem with the Protect a Tow bungee cord, it was rubbing on the tow hitch and came apart, emailed the company and they told me to cut it off, knot it together and contact them when we get home and they would take care of me, even sent me a diagram of the knot to use, couldn't ask for more

The Nelchina Glacier,
Cindy slowed down
these are all taken with my head stuck out of the side window,
as she is going down the road,
there was no where to pull over,
it is an amazing camera,
and remember don't get one without stabilization control,
it works

I paid attention to the hillside in this "Slide Area Ahead"

They must have a long trek to their house with their groceries

There are sections of the Glen Highway that you could see the road falling off into the canyon, this was not one of them

The silver glaciated water, looks like paste, funny how they sell Glacier Water and you think of it as so clear

I like this picture, I believe it is Gunsight Mountain, but then I am constantly trying to look for a mountain that looks like a sheep or a lion, so I'm not naming any of them, Sheep and Lion Mountains are somewhere in my pictures

Alaska has over 3 million lakes,
kind of makes land of 10,000 lakes "Minnesota" seem small
With all of the lakes here we are now experiencing mosquitoes and no see ums again, we hadn't been bothered by them for a few weeks

This is a road to a microwave tower that provides communication for all of Alaska, but it is near where a telegraph line was built in 1902 to connect Alaska with Washington DC, bypassing Canada for the first time

I know there are moose out there

The Tazlina Glacier
that feeds into the 20 mile Tazlina Lake,
and is the head of the Tazlina River,
which is a tributary of the Copper River,
I know I forget just how far these ice fields and glaciers go

This picture makes me laugh, I think of the song, "The wheels on the bus go round and round....."

We wonder what the top of the mountain will look like without the clouds, and if we will ever see it, the car looks like something out of a commercial

This shows the frost heaves, in a motorhome it is very much like a roller coaster ride, except you wonder how much of your home on wheels is going to come crashing down on the downswing

This rickety Glen Highway meets up shortly with the Richardson Highway, the Glen Highway was laid out from Anchorage to Glenallen in an attempt to find a path from the Cook Inlet, to Tanana, and the Richardson was a dog sled path from Valdez to Fairbanks


badavenport said...

WOW.......once again at a loss for words, such beautiful favorite si the commercial looking car with the HUGE snow covered mountain in the back........I would love to be the one putting your travel scrapbook together!!!

Safarigrl said...

You are helping to put the scrapbook together, with your comments, this is my scrapbook. We have many more pictures that I don't have room for, don't know what I will do with them but I am putting them on a flash drive for right now. Thanks again for taking the time to comment.

Jenn O'Neil said...

Love the pictures....especially loved the groceries comment. I found you through Surfers Paradise and have put you in my bookmarked favorites.

Safarigrl said...

Thanks Jenn, I saw some of the Surfers Paradise favorites, you had one on there also, didn't you? Glad to have you on the trip with us, just don't pay any attention to Gracie, her mouth runs faster than her brain.

Anonymous said...

Hi Wilderness Girls,
The highlight of my day -- is looking at where we "went" today and what we saw and did. It's so exciting and the scenery is awesome! This is the next best thing to being there in person and to tell you the truth - I feel like I am right there in the RV in the spare seat. Being here does have a few advantages - no unkind mosquito bites, no decisions to make -- just go with the flow - no expenses (not even gas expenses). This is just too great of an adventure. Thank you again for taking us along with you. It sounds like you are picking up a few "hickhikers" along the way. Thank goodness they are very nice and kind.
Take care and be safe.
Your friend,

Anonymous said...

Good post and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you for your information.