Saturday, August 4, 2007

Anchors Away, we're going to Anchorage!

Anchorage Alaska, where the men are men and the salmon could be "hookers"I've heard of "hooked nose" salmon, but never Hooker Salmon

How does she "swim" in those high heels?

This is our quiet little home in Anchorage

Right on the rail road tracks,
and under the piper cub take off airport

The first time the train went by we all thought it was going through the bedroom

Cute little Anchorage trolley car, we are just in downtown Anchorage

We thought it was unique how they watered the grass, they don't do anything small around here

I wanted to see the water, always thought Anchorage was a water port, maybe because of it's name, it isn't a water port, the port is too shallow, these are buildings are by the harbor,
just to show you the style of their housing

A little playfield by the water

Finally I got to see the water, you can kind of smell it also, it isn't an unpleasant smell but the tideflats are so big, that you smell them, kind of dank and musty smelling

There are signs that warn you not to go out and walk on the tideflats, they are like walking on quicksand

Part of towndown Anchorage, it is spread out and big, 3 Costco's and 2 Sam's Clubs, shopped Costco's and the prices are almost identical to what we pay at Costco's

The railroad has and continues to be a big part of Alaska

Cindy said this was here when she last lived in Anchorage, 30 years ago

Anchorage Hospital, big and modern

I liked their newspaper, they are filled with news about their Senator, who is in trouble now, and two of their House representative's who are also in trouble with ethics problems

In the 70's Cindy also lived in Anchorage and worked for the Alyeska Pipeline, while they were building the pipeline,
she lived here, in the mobile home park,
she says it was alot nicer 30 years ago

This is the mobilehome that she lived in,
it's still here, we saw one next door for sale,
for $25,000,
same year, looked the same

Everybody has Wi-Fi, and nobody is charging for it

The roads really aren't that bad.....

Looking in to downtown, and this is like at 11PM, if it wasn't so overcast it would be sunny

This is Ayanna, Charles and Gwendolyn's daughter,
who I told I was going to come up to Anchorage to see her,
she told me not to be saying something I wasn't going to do,
so here we are

Ayanna had plans to go look at this dog, so I went along with her, "Misty" wasn't too friendly and wouldn't let either one of us pick her up, so Ayanna decided against getting the dog

The road into Anchorage has signs on it to give Moose a Brake,
cars have killed 261 Moose this year,
and we saw one when we went by, and no Mel,
I am not going to cut the antlers out of the mooses head for you, someone was actually there with a flat bed trailer picking the moose up

Ayanna and I, Cindy stayed home with the dogs. got totally lost looking for that dog and at one point we were parked on the railroad tracks when the train was coming down the track, Ayanna works for the Railroad, so she said pull her parking pass off her mirror just before the train hits, so nobody will know, we laughed and laughed
Good prices for diesel

We went to Ayanna's home, she lives in an apartment building she bought, and she rents out the other apartments, she is a single Mom with three kids, works at the Railroad and is an Army Reservist, so she's pretty busy

I love her apartment especially being able to see under the sink

The is her son DeJon in front of her apartment building, a tenant is moving out and she is fixing the apartment up

DeJon wanted the camera, so I gave it to him

My better side

I think I'm possessed,
I have no pupils in my eyes,
that must be what's wrong with my eyes

This is where Ayanna works, she orders parts to fix the trains, she could have got us passes to go anywhere in Alaska, but they don't take doggies, so we can't go

I kind of look like a totem pole, don't I?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the salmon hooker was a flounder in disguise, as they are always on their backs. Keep up with the pix and commentary-it's great!