Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Homer with the new camera

I am reading as fast as I can, Cindy is snapping away, we can both see ourselves as budding wild life eagle photographers, you knew us when all we were were bloggers, huh
This is Cindy's first picture with the new camera

Homer's business section is on the main land, but most of the rv, fishing and tourist things, are on the spit

These condo's are the only ones on the spit, they are on the end of the spit, the last earthquake dropped the spit 6 inches When the fishing fleet comes back in for the day you can feel the excitement in the air, halibut is hung up and weighed, all the fish stations are in use while people gut their fish, lots of activity

The Eagle Lady, as Jean Keene is known around the world, feeds 300 eagles a day, 500 pounds of fish, every day, from December till FebruaryI remember reading about her but had no idea this is where she lived, I thought when I saw the pictures of her she was some where, where no one has gone before

Nope, she is in a campground just like ours, across the spit from us, she has lived there since 1977

The city council has decided that noone else can feed any birds in Homer, but her, and she can only do it until 2010, when she will be 86

The sign says some of the birds are injured and if you have come to watch please stay in your car, can you imagine 300 big birds flying over your head

This is the camper, trailer that she came to Alaska in, from Minnesota in 1977, they say she stills lives in it

Arlo Guthrie brought his entourage here last month, it was the town's gossip

Homer didn't get an aquarium like Seward did from Exxon, they got a Fishing Hole, stocked with King and Silver Salmon, very strange, don't you think

The Airport on FAA Street

The only winery in Homer, appropriately Bear Creek Winery

This is one of three Russian Settlements, that are still here, they are called The Old Believer's, as they came searching for a place to openly worship in their Old Rite Russian Orthodox Church, Russian is their first language, they keep to themselves, and protect their privacy, so we just took a few pictures and left

We drove to the end of the road, and also the end of Kachemak Bay, it's about 25 miles east of Homer These are the glaciers that we saw going back to Homer, they always look different from another direction

And Cindy saw it again, the cemetery

They have a nice fence and they keep the grass trimmed, but it just doesn't seem like there are many people buried here, something is missing, don't know what

I was trying to show you the strangeness of driving down the spit, waves and beach on both sides and you are looking at the mountains with snow and glaciers hanging off of them
The Alaska Ferry stops in Homer and connects with 8 different ports in Alaska, The Alaska Marine Highway, it's 9 hours to Kodiak, where the bears are MEAN, Cindy says

You know, somebody has to be there to look at those glaciers, might as well be us
We are off by ourselves, which is great, Gracie doesn't have anyone to talk trash to
This is Cindy's first attempt at eagle pictures, Animal Kingdom will not be using these, I don't think
This is my first attempt at catching the eagle in a picture, I got a good moon, but the eagles head was cut off We got better

It's said that if you get into your car in New York, and drive as far as you can in the United States, that you'd end up in Homer, Alaska


badavenport said...

Ok, I think Cindy should stick to driving, she can read the manual to you!!! You know what is missing the cemetery.....headstones, I think there are lots of bods there, just no headstones.........and speaking of that, what was up with the three "stones", I mean in the picture it looked like three stones literally, is it a graveyard riddle???? OOOOOHHHHH more spooky.........
So where did you find a camera to purchase or did someone send it to you, I read where you had offers.
Ok one more question, what will happen in 2010 when no one feeds the eagles anymore, and why can't she continue to feed them, I mean even if they said she can feed them until she dies, that won't be that long when looking at the big picture, poor eagles and I hope her heart is not broken come 2010 when she can't do what she has loved doing.......hhmmmmm. I really like the picture of Cindy, Rainer and TTGracie, it looked like they were dancing!!! More eagle pictures please with or without moons!!!

badavenport said...

I mean Ranier and why do they call it a "spit"???

badavenport said...

Rainier, as in Mount??? Sorry I am getting more screwed up here as I go along!!!

Safarigrl said...

These comment things suck, I have left so many and then I see nothing, don't know where they are in outer space or what, anyway will try again, the city council here in Homer has been hashing over all kinds of things and they thought it was enviromentally bad for the eagles to be fed, but obviously they didnt' want to cause an uproar so they said she could do it until 2010, bet they will change their mind when that time comes and she is still wanting to feed them, can you imagine getting 500 pounds of food ready everyday? She says that she thaws it in her microwave, chips at it, chainsaws it, at some point she isn't going to be able to do it, wondeder what will happen to the eagles when she can't. Rainier like the mountain, he was named after it, when we picked him up we drove right by Mount Rainier and he was white and we thought ahhh, that's a good name, but then "Princess" came along, and we quickly had to change her name so we called her Gracie, Rainier Beer which he came to more than once) classed up his act and became Prince Rainier, and Princess Gracie, who ride in a "Monaco" coach. Don't know what was up with the 3 stones, thought it was odd too, I wanted to say that the cemetery looked "too" dead, but then maybe you are right tombstone's would liven it up.

Anthony said...

It's rare that I don't have words to express my thoughts. I don't believe I can express how much I've enjoyed reviewing your blog. It is truly extraordinary.

Very pleased to say that I've included you in the newest installment of Surfer's Paradise.

I hope the link serves you well.

Anonymous said...

Hi Wilderness Girls,
Glad to see you got a new camera. I checked with the UPS guy today to see if it would be possible to send you a camera. He shook his head saying that Alaska was many many miles from where I live. He also said it might take a month to get something shipped and that you needed an address to send it to. So ... I was joyfully surprised to sign on to your blog and see your cute little face -- from your new camera. It looks like you are losing weight -- are you finding enough food up that way to eat or is it from the "fish" diet that you and Cindy must be on? Anyway, it was a great picture of you and what it really meant to all of us who are depending on you and your camera and narration to "take" us along on this wonderful adventure. I truly thought we were going to miss the remainder of the trip except for the pictures that you were cutting and pasting -- and I would have settled for that -- if I had to. I realized that the history and the narration you are adding to the pictures -- is what is making this trip so adventurous for us. But Thank YOU for finding a new camera and it also seems to take very clear pictures -- as long as you have a steady hand. Just remember that Cindy has been hanging on to the steering wheel over all of those ruts and potholes -- so she has a good reason to be a little shakey with the camera. Keep trying for an eagle picture. I'm sure you will get one. When does the lady feed the birds? That would have been a great picture -- seeing all of the birds flying over. Don't suppose you ever saw the movie "The Birds" - did you? I have to admit -- one of the best pictures you have taken (and you have taken a lot of "best pictures" on this trip) but one of the cutest ones I have ever seen was the recent one you sent of Rainer and Gracie -- driving the PT Cruiser. That was adorable!!! I loved it. Don't misunderstand me - I truely liked the other pictures you sent of the beautiful scenery in Alaska but there was something about that one with your doggies driving the car (or so it seemed) -- that touched my heart deeply.
So where are we off to next? How many miles so far - have we travelled? You can't come home until you see that BEAR and be sure to tell him to smile while you are taking his picture. And be sure to have your running shoes on -- for I imagine you will have to do some of that (running) when you take his picture. Glad to hear that your leg seems to be getting better but your foot still sounds like it looks awful. Elevation is your best friend here. Keep it propped up as much as possible. I'm sure Cindy doesn't mind you putting your feet on the dashboard - does she?
Stay safe ---
Your friend,
PS I understand what you mean about trying to send a "comment" and having it disappear right before your eyes. Very discouraging. Continue to hang in there. I love the cemetery pictures but I don't want you or Cindy joining any of those people "underground".

Safarigrl said...

The new camera makes me look soooo svelte, think I'll keep it, nah, just the angle. But we did get some eagle pictures today, oooh la la.

Safarigrl said...

I've been to Anthony's blog, Surfer's Paradise, and you all should run to it, it is really interesting and he really has put me on his blog list!!!! Go see.