Sunday, August 5, 2007


Seward is an ice free port on the Kenai Peninsula, named for the man who was better known as "Seward's Folly", the man who brought about the purchasing of Alaska from Russia This is where we are staying in Seward, it is also the only bear we have seen today, did you know the Grizzly has a hump on it's back, the black bear doesn't, just so you'll know if you see one today
Seward has and old town and a newer town, much of it was burned down, during the 1964 earth quake, Seward took the brunt of the force, as it was just off the coast, it was the biggest earthquake ever in North America, and shook for 9 minutes

City Hall

Internet Ice Cream, a new flavor for Baskin's

Unlike Anchorage, which is too shallow, you see all kinds of boats and ships in this harbor

House's with incredible views

The City of Seward has this Camping Ground right on the water

This is in the old part of town

Old Town

I'm not eating here, Reindeer, musk ox....where's the seafood

This Aquarium could be the end of Senator Stevens, although it is a world renown aquarium, and was built with the help of Exxon, Stevens who is on the Appropriation's committee, moved all the funds aound so that the government bought out Stevens' excampaign manager's newly bought property to build it

What a good place for a tanning salon

Seward was the beginning of the Idiarod,
not the race,
but the actual trail from Seward to the little town of Idiarod,
mushed by many to bring the mail and other supplies to Idiarod,
the race is in Anchorage and Whitehorse,
commemorating the medicine being brought to Nome from Nanana

Seward is the home of Mitch Seavey, who won the Idiarod in 2004

The National Parks Headquarters in Seward

All the cruise lines dock here, they are here every Friday, Saturday and Sunday

Although it was Saturday and there were no cruise ships here

This is a conveyor belt we don't know what it brings up into the ships, but we are going to find out today, coal, maybe

Lots of fish processing plants

Thought about checking out the price of wipers but the thought scared me

We ate here, nice view blut the food was terrible, clam chowder with dumplings in it, King Crab for two for $75

There are no public airplanes that fly here but plenty of people buy packages that fly them up here, house them, they fish and then they clean your fish and box them up for you to take home

Bait for the next day

I thought that was nice of this man to pet the fish before gutting them

The guts go down into this hole and there is a barge underneath to catch them

Bunny rabbits everywhere

One on the lawn

The melted glaciers come down to the sea

Fishing off the banks

She eventually lost this fish at her feet

Looking back into town

This fall comes from way high in the mountains, above the town, they fill their water reservoir with it
Lowell Creek Water Fall

This is in back of the water fall

The hospital

Cindy just saw an eagle I missed the picture but we hang around trying to see it again, it is building a nest

This is a wild life refuge, the eagle is there, but you can't see it in the dark

This is the high school field

There are no windows except for a few in the front in this high school

Looks more like a prison

The airport

We have seen so much of this house wrap we are beginning to think of it as siding

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