Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Bear Teaser

We've got lots of pictures of this bear fishing,
but you gotta wait,
I "barely" have enough time
to see all the bears


badavenport said...

I have heard of a specific photography field, it is the eagle/sailboat/bear photographer, highly specialized and trained in the three areas that they consider to be their expertise, not many in the world, only a hand full really, and much sought after (I do believe that this kind of talk will "draw" in the producers and whatnots of the "shows" we talked about.........uuuhhhhmmmmm...yes as I was saying, very talented, I have seen only one of them one time on a TALK SHOW, I forgot which one, but that episode drew tremendous ratings...... I love the teaser, was your heart racing and did your palms get sweaty, did you feel like the luckiest girl in the world, was it just awesome!! I can't wait to see more

Anonymous said...

Hi Wilderness Girls,
WOW - BEARS!!! They are great pictures. One looked a little too close to you -- so I am hoping you were using your zoom and that is why it looks like it was about to kiss you.
OK - now you can come home. We have seen the bears!!! And just when I was about to think that we weren't going to see any on this trip -- then there they were. Great, Wonderful, Outstanding, and oh yeah, Thank You!!! You made my day!!! I am tickled pink. Can't believe you actually saw them and watched them catch some fish.
Please tell Cindy not to get nervous driving down those roads -- they don't look any better than the ones you drove over to get there. It looks like a steep cliff on one side of the road. And how did you get those pictures of "down in the valley"? Were you holding your head out of the side window again. It looked like you took the picture from up on top of a mountain or out of an airplane. Terrific pictures. And the "whale" mountains were awesome with their white spots on them. Looked like some of the whales with the white spots that you see at Sea World - Shamu.
I am so excited about seeing the bear pictures on our trip.
Thank you again.

Anonymous said...

gotta love those bears!! I've been thinking about your sideways chair--I say unbolt it, put it in your under storage area, and put a rockin' chair in there--like Granny in the Beverly Hillbillies. You gotta get back to those OK roots every once in a while.

Anonymous said...

So I was checking out your route home on Google Earth--you should upload some of your on the road photos there, so people can see the beauty and the scary roads. I noticed that there have been 2 Bigfoot sightings around Hope, so be careful as you cruise back into "civilization".

Safarigrl said...

We were thinking about unbolting it, but when the slide in closed we decided not to, but I already told Cindy if I died on this trip to strap me on top so I could see the rest of the trip. Where was bigfoot sighted at? This place is really something, if you all don't come here soon, you are crazy, it is amazing, and hardly anybody knows about it or comes here. Look on the map and plan a trip here, Hyder Alaska, you can't miss it.