Monday, August 20, 2007

Back to Whitehorse and Watson Lake

Cindy had always wanted to stay here,
so we did,
we noticed that all the places around this were closed,
I asked the woman at the desk why so early,
she told me that they had to,
5 Grizzly's were in the area and last week they chased some tourist,
she said not to worry they were here also,
but that they have never had any garbage there
so they just come and eat the berries,
sometimes when they get drunk on the berries
they come into the parkBeautiful park on Kulane Lake

These are the bushes, late at night, I took the dogs out in there 3 feet radius outside the motorhome door, and we all heard grunting, Cindy did too

There is nothing around here at all, they have their own generator that runs 24 hours and provides you with 15amp service

That's the little window that I stick my head out of to take pictures, I have to look around the wheelchair lift also

If you look closely you can see the brown silt from the glaciers in the water

We were glad to see that blue VW bug there, they were camping and looked like they were going to stay at the campground next to us even though it said it was closed

These white wildflowers make the ground look like it has snow on it

Back on the road to Whitehorse and then Watson Lake

The road is pretty bad in a few areas

A cemetery

We go through a blasting area where they are doing road work

Right outside Whitehorse, bet it saves them some money

The famous Whitehorse entrance

The second of the three churches built out of a quanset hut

We see the bridge that we crossed over on the way to Alaska,
it has pavement on it now

Still, a little narrow passage way

We stayed in Whitehorse only one night, at a newer flashier, we've got wifi place, their wifi didn't work either, wish we had stayed at the older place

We are in Watson Lake, their claim to fame is the Sign Post Forest, no wifi though, they've got it, but it doesn't work

In the 40's, when they were building the Alaskan Highway,

a soldier smashed his foot and was sent to Watson Lake to recoperate,

a dozer had ran over a sign that had all the places and miles

to the homes of the people who were working on the highway,

they asked him to build another sign,

he said fine, but could he put his home on there,

as he was homesick, they said sure,

and in 1994 he came back and had tears in his eyes seeing

what he had started

It must be at least 4 blocks by 4 blocks,
the townspeople take care of the signs

Post hole digger must have found that rock

There were a few fallen signs, must have signed out

The nut fell off of the special bolt for the step,
and it must have rode for awhile like that
because the threads were stripped,
I showed up at this man's automotive shop
and he cleaned the threads up and found me a nut,
asked him how much and he said no charge
that I just had to go to their parade today and see him in it,
said sure, I'd be there

It's Discovery Day, in Canada, on Monday, the parade is in honor of that

I love small town parades, everybody enjoys it

Think that's caribou antlers on that tractor

All the fire engines were blasting there horns, you couldn't miss the parade

This was my guy, he built this airplane and it flies, he said

Said he was dressed up as the Red Baron

We took off after the parade passed by, off to Hyder, Alaska


Anonymous said...

so what roads are you taking to get home? I am trying to follow you using Google Earth, but I can't always figure it out. Sometimes the roads seem clear, and other times, the maps are fuzzy.

Anonymous said...

Hi Wilderness Girls,
Was the Thompson Pass named after Cindy and her family?
Did you and Cindy add a sign to the Block Collection of Signs? I don't think I have ever heard or seen anything like that. Very unique.
I continue to marvel at the beautiful scenery you are sharing with us. Very very beautiful.
Be careful out there on those so-called roads.
Your friend,

Safarigrl said...

We are now on Cassiar Highway, 37a on the map, we will go back to Stewart, and back to the main Highway 37, from there we will go to the Yellowhead Highway, 16 on the map, to Prince George, from there we will take Hwy 1 to Hope, and from there follow the border to Vancouver and over the border for us. Glad you are keeping an eye on us, if you don't hear from us in awhile come find us, you might look in Homer first, I liked that town, but Hyder is really cool too.Oh Linda, no, Thompson Pass wasn't named after her family, I'm sure there must be something in California that is though, her family were some of the first settlers there.
Wait till you see the Cassiar scenery to Stewart, it is really something, really a hidden beauty.