Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Wagon Ho!

Pulling into Blakewell Island RV Resort, they registered us amazingly fast for 19 RV's pulling in at once.

Scott took pity on the "Blind Girl" and cleaned the bugs off our windshield, we had lots of Supervisors.


Curtie said...

My heart swelled with PRIDE as we made a rainbow RV caravan on the freeway.

"Cheetah Woman" (Linda) kept in touch with all of us via walkie-talkie while "The Chef" (Cindy) drove and dodged I-90 construction obstacles in Spokane.

It's wonderful to be here.

-- Curtie

Safarigrl said...

Thank you Curtie, I appreciate your commetary, at least I know someone is reading this.

soaked said...

As long as the blind girl isn't driving the RV.

soaked said...

As long as the blind girl isn't driving the RV all should go okay.

Safarigrl said...

The blind girl is selling pencils to all the Rainbow RV folk, no driving fcor her, ok, so she took the PT Cruiser out for a little cruise, it's really little.