Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Cheryl is taking the dogs for a walk where we were staying last night. I was told to tell everyone that Cheryl is single and now owns a mighty Winnebego, retired and looking for someone to share it with.....well if you are a mechanic that's a plus.


Linda2 said...

Day 2
Hi Linda1 and Cindy and the Doggies,
So how many miles did you travel today? From the pictures, it looked like you had nice weather. Did you see anything exciting today? Any bears yet?
Remember to rest your eyes often. It sounds like you aren't getting much sleep. Too excited to sleep - right? (I'm referring to the Disney World commercials on TV.) Take care and have fun.
Your friend,

Safarigrl said...

We only went about 120 miles today, really hot, in the 100's too hot for me, we stayed in the air conditioned rv most of the time. No bears yet, not in the mountains yet.
Too excited to sleep you are right!

Jody said...

Gracie is SOOO POSING!!!!
Such a little girl!
MORE pooch pictures please!!!