Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Caravaning to Idaho on the way to Glacier

19 Rainbow RV's going down I90
from Washington to Idaho. We had people from California, Oregon and Washington.
We are staying the night at Blackwell Island RV resort, in Couer D'Alene, Idaho.
We were pretty impressive going down the road, stayed together really well, and didn't have any problems at all.
Tomrrow morning we line up at 9:30am and head out for Glacier Park in Montana, where we will take over the Mountain Meadow RV resort, we will be the only ones there, for 4 days.
Then some of us will go on to Lake Louise and Banff. Cindy and I will be heading on to Alaska, Cheryl is going to Maine.


Linda2 said...

It took me a while to read your Chinese writing (one letter per line down the right side of the last picture of the caravan) but I finally put the letters together. I almost missed the little "i's".
You're right, the caravan looked very impressive. I'm sure it was a sight to be seen by all who were on the road or on the side of the road. It sounds like you are "moving on" to better places. How does everyone stop for gas -- at different gas stations?
Can everyone read what I put here or just you and I? I will need to watch my language if everyone who visits your site can read this. :o)
Your friend,

Kat said...

Thank you for more know that I am travelling thru you two vicariously!! I have to see and know almost everything that's going on. Make's me feel almost like I am there. Take pity on a poor old lonely shut in????
Have loads and loads of FUN!! but more important stay SAFE!!!

soaked said...

how do i get that hot window washer doing my windows...