Saturday, June 30, 2007

Glacier National Park's Lake McDonald same view that is on park's map

This talks about the 2003 fire that burned for 3 months in Glacier Park

Not much snow on the mountains

Glacier Park Tour Bus

Glacier mountains peaking through

Just doing the first half of Glacier Park today

One of the many eagles we saw

It was a superb dinner, I enjoyed it

Our Potluck in the Meadow

A Rainbow graced us over our Rainbow RV Club

Barbara and Karen in Linda and Cindy's RV

Cheryl in Terri and Curtie's RV

Randy and Michael's place

Our pond at Moutain Meadows RV Resort

Our campfire was cancelled due to wind

No fire, we still gathered around like there was one.
We could imagine one
We started to sing Kumbaya, Donnie and Paul on the drums.
Then... the Big Sky opened up.
Rain the size of golf balls, sent us running to our RV rigs.
I remembered why I wasn't in a tent anymore, as the rain made a pleasant patter, patter on the roof of our motorhome.

Rain is coming storm clouds

Sunset over Glacier Park

Sort of Northern lights

Windy.... my was it windy

A storm is coming in

We quickly pulled in our awnings, the wind picked up considerably.

Kent who hosted this event in Montana

This is Kent the head of the Montana Rainbow RV, he also owns a company that services private jets that jet into Montana, ie., Meg Ryan, Fortune 500 people, and he's a nice guy too

Chuck scratching his back on a tree, ahhhhh

Relaxing after hiking

Again, from left to right, more of Kyle, Ken, Terri, and D Ann.

Party time after their 4 mile hike to the lake

Fron left to right, Sharon, Scott, Chuck, Sheila, and a little bit of Kyle.

Friday, June 29, 2007

8am breakfast before a 4 mile hike

OK, OK, so Cindy and I didn't go on the hike, we got up at 8 and ate the breakfast!

Sharon and D Ann's new RV

D Ann didn't even get mentioned just the dog, Jenny

Placards were placed on all our campsites here, and had Cindy, Linda, Rainier, and Gracie's name on them, but I guess Sharon just had the dog's name but on her's, D Ann didn't even get a billing.

I don't care what color my diesel is, I'll take the $2.40 one

We all thought gas would be expensive here just out side of Glacier Park, but we were wrong, diesel is cheaper than anywhere else we have been.

Glacier Ahead

Montana Country

Big Sky
Lots of rolling hills

Do you know what shape YOUR fan belt is in?

Jerry's fan belt was wrapped around his alternator, shreaded.
The only one available was in Spokane, Washington, another state back.
They sent someone after it and someone to put it on and 5 hours later we were on our way.

And just where is the engine on a diesel motorhome?

Why under the bed, of course!
Here's Jerry looking for the problem.
Don't try to do this at home, Jerry is a certified diesel mechanic...
who's on vacation,
and wishes he had all the tools to fix it, but darn,
he doesn't
so we'll have to call someone else in.


We line up at 9:30am to take off for Glacier, as we start our caravan we quickly realize that some of us are turtles and some of us are rabbits, our line of RV's strung out over miles and miles. Cindy and I were the turtles, we kept telling people behind us that we could start throwing things out of the window, ala, Ricky and Lucy, but we were going as fast as we could up those mountains. Just as everyone was passing us, Jerry calls out over his walkie talkie, that he has a check engine light on and that he is pulling over. Cindy and I pull over with him. Some turtles do too but we tell them to go ahead they had a chance to keep up, Cindy and I had no chance, might as well wait for Chuck and Jerry.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

The Christmas Cactus Kidnapper!

This is Terri, for those of you who know the story, she is the one who kidnapped Cindy's Christmas Cactus. I will warn Jerry about his new puppy "Paco" she has that same look in her eyes, that she had, right before she took the cactus. I really don't think she can control herself.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Wagon Ho!

Pulling into Blakewell Island RV Resort, they registered us amazingly fast for 19 RV's pulling in at once.

Scott took pity on the "Blind Girl" and cleaned the bugs off our windshield, we had lots of Supervisors.

Caravaning to Idaho on the way to Glacier

19 Rainbow RV's going down I90
from Washington to Idaho. We had people from California, Oregon and Washington.
We are staying the night at Blackwell Island RV resort, in Couer D'Alene, Idaho.
We were pretty impressive going down the road, stayed together really well, and didn't have any problems at all.
Tomrrow morning we line up at 9:30am and head out for Glacier Park in Montana, where we will take over the Mountain Meadow RV resort, we will be the only ones there, for 4 days.
Then some of us will go on to Lake Louise and Banff. Cindy and I will be heading on to Alaska, Cheryl is going to Maine.

Cheryl is taking the dogs for a walk where we were staying last night. I was told to tell everyone that Cheryl is single and now owns a mighty Winnebego, retired and looking for someone to share it with.....well if you are a mechanic that's a plus.

Behind The Scenes

Bear with me while I find my blogger legs, I received a critque in my email that she wanted more pictures, of where we are and what we are doing. Well we are still in Eastern Washington, which I have always found to be the Mecca for excitement, so here are pictures of our excitement.
I have WiFi right now, there were so many people on it last night that Cindy kept getting kicked off, no problem at 6am staying on. The dogs went out and I told Gracie she couldn't tug at her leash because of my eyes and she didn't. Curtie walked her yesterday, or should I say Gracie took Curtie for a ride. Will put more in when we meet other's in Ritzville.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Our First Day!!!!!

We have started our journey, the eye doctor said eyes are looking very fine, very happy with them, so off we went.
Met Curtie, Terri, and Cheryl and started our caravan to Moses Lake.
Cheryl is in her new Minnie Winnie, and was initiated into the wind and rv driving, oh excuse me, Terri says that it isn't a Minnie Winnie but a "Warrior".
It's 84 degrees, we'll stay here until tomorrow afternoon and then leave for Ritzville where we will meet 22 RV's , then off we go caravanning to Couer D'Alene, Idaho where we will all stay for the night.
Day one, we made it 140 miles, all's well.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Off to see BEARS soon, Tuesday

I know there hasn't been any posting for awhile, but those of you in the know, know that I have been going through two cataract operations. On Tuesday, the eye surgeon looks at my eyes and will tell me whether they are a go or no go, if they are a go, we are off to Alaska, our bags are packed, the rv is ready and we are gone.
If you look really closely you can see a stitch in my left eye holding the lense in, he will take that out on Tuesday. Amazing what they can do today.